Zinovy Brodsky - Page 110

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          and Ms. Brodsky are liable for each of the years at issue for the           
          accuracy-related penalty under section 6662(a) because of negli-            
          gence or disregard of rules or regulations under section                    
               In the 1993 notice, respondent determined that petitioner              
          and Ms. Brodsky are liable for 1993 for the addition to tax under           
          section 6651(a)(1) because they did not timely file their 1993              
          joint return and did not show that that failure was due to                  
          reasonable cause.                                                           
          Amendment to Answer and Reply to that Amendment                             
               On October 7, 1999, the Court had filed respondent’s amend-            
          ment to answer, which respondent had lodged on September 24,                
          1999, when respondent filed a motion for leave to file amendment            
          to answer.  Respondent affirmatively alleged in the amendment to            
          answer, inter alia, that, in addition to the amount of the cost             
          of goods sold claimed in the 1993 Schedule C and disallowed in              
          the notice for 1993, petitioner is not entitled for that year to            
          $42,913 of the remaining amount of the cost of goods sold claimed           
          in that Schedule C.                                                         
               On October 7, 1999, petitioner submitted a document entitled           
          “NOTICE OF OBJECTION”, in which petitioner replied to certain               
          affirmative allegations in respondent’s amendment to answer.  The           
          Court had that document filed as a reply to the amendment to                
          answer (petitioner’s reply to respondent’s amendment to answer).            

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Last modified: May 25, 2011