- 3 - assistant and office manager for various employers. Petitioner wife's father, Ralph S. Matsuda (Mr. Matsuda), worked in the financial services and products industry during the years at issue and was petitioners' financial adviser. During 1982, Mr. Matsuda introduced petitioners to Jojoba Hawaii, which was being promoted as an agricultural research and development partnership. Jojoba Hawaii was the first agricultural type investment opportunity that had been proposed by Mr. Matsuda to petitioners. He provided petitioners with a fairly voluminous private placement memorandum2 (the offering), which described the proposed investment and the activities to be conducted through Jojoba Hawaii. Petitioner wife perused the document but could not recall whether petitioner husband examined the document.3 Petitioners did not consult an attorney, an accountant, or any independent expert knowledgeable in the field of agriculture and, in particular, jojoba production and the economic potential thereof. Petitioners, nevertheless, invested in Jojoba Hawaii. On their joint 1982 Federal income tax return, petitioners reported wages of $77,665 from petitioner husband's employment with Mark Telephone and $24,426 from petitioner wife's employment with Applied Materials, Inc. Petitioners also reported interest 2 The private placement memorandum consisted of some 47 pages, plus eight exhibits, and a table of contents. 3 Petitioner husband did not appear at trial.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011