Norman E. Duquette, Inc. - Page 19

                                       - 19 -                                         
          that, as of September 1994, primarily because of marital                    
          difficulties, he had no reason to return to Florida.                        
               Petitioner claimed a deduction for rent in the amount of               
          $10,710 on account of the reimbursement of Norman for expenses              
          incurred from April 22, 1994, through September 30, 1994, as                
          follows (the Florida expenses):                                             
          $8,732.50   rent for April-September and application fee                    
               97.12   phone                                                          
               150.00   home inspection                                               
               513.40   utilities                                                     
            1,202.50   furniture storage                                              
          310,695.52      Total                                                       
                    2.  Arguments of the Parties                                      
               Petitioner argues that the Florida expenses relate to the              
          relocation of its corporate office from the Dallas apartment to             
          Florida in April 1994 and the continued use of a home in Florida            
          as a corporate office for the balance of the 1994 tax year.  In             
          support of that argument, petitioner states:  There were many               
          large Government contractors within a 200-mile radius of Naples,            
          Florida; its Texas client base was diminishing; and it was able             
          to secure a large client (Honeywell Corp.) shortly after the                
          Duquettes arrived in Florida.  Petitioner points to a resolution            
          of the board deciding to relocate the corporate headquarters from           
          Texas to Florida.  Respondent asks us to find that the relocation           

               3  The sum of the stipulated individual items is $10,695.52.           
          There is no explanation of the $14.48 difference between this               
          number and the stipulated total expenses of $10,710.                        

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