Epic Associates 84-III, William C. Griffith, Jr. - Page 163

                                       - 90 -                                         
             EA 84-III            1983           1984            1985                 
             Rent income          $80,124$80,124 $228,516$228,516$230,130 $230,130    
             Interest             -0-    -0-     -0-     -0-     494      494         
             Total gross income   80,124 80,124  228,516 228,516 230,624  230,624     
             Interest (noninvestment)118,082-0-     522,466 -0-     545,848  -0-         
             Commissions          5,305  5,305   23,198  23,198  19,403   19,403      
             Insurance            5,480  5,480   16,663  16,663  19,894   19,894      
             Legal & professional fee6,895  6,895   687     687     1,008    1,008       
             Repairs              8,500  8,500   19,782  19,782  108,459  108,459     
             Taxes                18,123 18,123  72,554  72,554  72,617   72,617      
             Utilities            1,726  1,726   33,555  33,555  1,830    1,830       
             Homeowner dues       998    998     3,993   3,993   12,353   12,353      
             Property management fee8,250  8,250   33,000  33,000  32,175   32,175      
             Points amortization  3,453  -0-     13,814  -0-     13,814   -0-         
             Miscellaneous        141    141     606     606     574      574         
             Audit fee            -0-    -0-     5,000   5,000   3,333    3,333       
             Service fee          -0-    -0-     -0-     -0-     3,197    3,197       
             Depreciation         56,910 -0-     170,742 -0-     170,742   -0-        
             Total expenses       233,86355,418  916,060 209,038   1,005,247274,843     
             Net rental income             -153,73924,706  -687,54419,478  -774,623 -44,219     

             The explanation of the above adjustments is virtually                    
             identical to the explanation in the notices of FPAA issued               
             to EA 83-III, quoted above.                                              
                  Respondent made a number of other adjustments to                    
             EA 84-III's returns for 1983, 1984, and 1985.  Respondent                
             disallowed the net investment loss of $141,142 and                       
             investment interest income of $6,097 claimed in 1983.                    
             Respondent disallowed qualified investment income of                     
             $217,619 and qualified investment expenses of $872,376                   
             claimed in 1984.  Respondent disallowed qualified                        
             investment income of $229,131, qualified investment                      
             expenses of $997,436, and investment interest income of                  
             $494 claimed in 1985.  In support of these other                         
             adjustments, the notices of FPAA state that "it has not                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011