Ridge L. Harlan and Marjory C. Harlan - Page 41

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          percent fraction of section 6501(e)(1)(A) (“omits from gross                
          income an amount properly includible therein”) but not to the               
          denominator--“amount of gross income stated in the return”                  
          (emphasis added).  See also the comments of this Court and the              
          Court of Appeals of the Second Circuit in Estate of Klein v.                
          Commissioner, 63 T.C. at 591 n.6, affd. 537 F.2d at 705 n.9,                
          pointing out that “gross income” within the meaning of section              
          702(c) differs from “gross income” within the meaning of section            
          6501(e)(1)(A).  Thus, notwithstanding both sides’ reliance, we              
          conclude that neither section 702(c) nor section 1.702-1(c)(2),             
          Income Tax Regs., leads us to a resolution of the 2d-tier                   
          partnership matter, especially in the context of the denominator            
          of the 25-percent fraction.                                                 
               Respondent contends as follows:                                        
                    The partnership return (Form 1065) itself further                 
               supports looking only to the direct partnership return to              
               determine gross income for section 6501(e) purposes.  The              
               total gross income of the partnership is the sum of the                
               amounts on lines 1 through 7 with the exception of the                 
               I.R.C. � 6501(e)(1)(A)(i) exclusion for cost of goods sold.            
               * * *                                                                  
               These contentions do not support respondent’s position.  The           
          sum of the items on lines 1 through 7 frequently is not “The                
          total gross income of the [1st-tier] partnership.”  Firstly, an             
          element of gross income may appear on another line, after line 7.           
          Secondly, several of the items on lines 1 through 7 are net                 
          amounts, and the underlying gross income may have to be                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011