- 42 - determined by inspection of other parts of the partnership information return, Form 1065. This may be illustrated in the instant cases by comparing lines 1 through 11 of the stipulated 1985 Pacific partnership information return with the parties’ stipulation as to Pacific’s gross income. Table 1 Pacific’s Partnership Information Return Pacific’s Stipulated (Form 1065, 1st. page)1 Gross Income2 4. Ordinary income (loss) -7,705Rental income (gross) $13,708 from other partnerships Rental income (gross) 11,730 and fiduciaries See STMT#2 Rental income (gross) 17,048 Rental income (gross) 9,024 6a. Gross rents $63,723 -275,383Rental income (gross) 12,213 6b. Minus rental expenses Total rental income 63,723 $ STMT ATTACHED Form 4797, line 19 703,950 6c. Rental income (loss) Form 4797, line 1d 246,000 Total 1,013,673 9. Net gain (loss)(Form 4797, 34,935 line 17) 11. TOTAL income (loss) -248,153 (combine lines 3 through 10) 1 Lines 1,2,3,5,7,8, and 10 do not have any entries. 2 The stipulation specifically excludes any gross income from Pacific’s 2d-tier partnership. As is apparent, more than 90 percent of Pacific’s stipulated gross income shown on its partnership information return is related to line 9, and not lines 1 through 7. Further, line 9 does not tell the whole story--it shows only $34,935 net income from Form 4797, but the parties’ stipulation shows a total of $949,950 gross income from Form 4797. Thus, contrary to the implications of respondent’s contentions, respondent’s actions in the stipulations show that it is necessary to examine more thanPage: Previous 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011