Ridge L. Harlan and Marjory C. Harlan - Page 43

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          lines 1 through 7 of Pacific’s Form 1065 in order to determine              
          Pacific’s gross income.  When we do that, we find that on line 4            
          of Pacific’s Form 1065 we are told to “See STMT #2”.                        
               That statement is as follows:                                          
               STATEMENT # 2 -          INC OTH PARTNERSHIPS                          
                    TEROS-PER K-1                      -6,633                         
                    SECTION 743 (B) ADJ                -1,072                         
               TOTAL STATEMENT # 2 - TO FORM 1065, LINE 4        -7,705               
          The record does not include information about the gross income              
          stated in the information return of Pacific’s 2d-tier                       
               We conclude that (1) respondent’s contentions are contrary             
          to the parties’ stipulations and (2) the parties’ stipulations              
          are consistent with the Court’s analysis.  That is, (a) the 1st-            
          tier partnership’s information return is treated as an adjunct              
          to, and a part of, the taxpayer’s tax return, (b) the 2d-tier               
          partnership’s information return is treated as an adjunct to, and           
          a part of, the 1st-tier partnership’s tax return, and (c) in                
          determining the amount of gross income stated in the taxpayer’s             
          tax return, neither the Court nor the parties are limited to what           
          is stated on the first page of the tax return.                              
               Respondent’s brief closes as follows:                                  
                    Finally, respondent’s interpretation of Section 6501(e)           
               yields a sensible, administrable result.  Looking through to           
               the lower tiers might require an audit of each of those                

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