Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 128

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          regarding Edward’s cash hoard was false or exaggerated.  Our                
          belief is strengthened by the inconsistent testimony relating to            
          Edward’s cash hoard offered on deposition by three of Katherine’s           
               Tina testified that while her father was in the hospital to            
          have his leg amputated, she and Katherine decided they needed               
          money to obtain better medical care for him.  She also stated               
          that they wanted to keep Edward’s money away from Bolita.  Tina             
          stated that she was not present when Katherine and Jack removed             
          Edward’s property from his safe deposit box, but she went with              
          them to the bank and she saw Katherine dump from a pillowcase               
          cash, gold coins, and jewelry on a bed in her motel room.  She              
          alleged that the cash was in denominations of nothing less than             
          $500 and $1,000 dollar bills and the safe deposit box’s contents            
          covered Katherine’s bed.  Tina stated that no one counted the               
          money in her presence, and that she returned to her home both               
          before Katherine returned to Florida and her father was                     
          discharged from the hospital.  Tina had no first-hand knowledge             
          as to the amount of money in Edward’s safe deposit box or the               
          final disposition of the box’s contents.23  Tina’s recount of the           

               23  Tina testified that “If Katherine said that he gave her            
          that money, I am sure that he did because Katherine had it in her           
          possession.”  Tina’s conclusion that Katherine had possession of            
          the contents of the safe deposit box ignores the fact that Jack             
          and, as will be recounted, other siblings purportedly were in               
          Katherine’s motel room when the contents were revealed and that             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011