Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 130

                                       - 58 -                                         
               Other evidence in the record leads us to conclude that                 
          Katherine did not receive $750,000 from Edward.  Edward’s and               
          Mary’s earnings records, property transaction records, accident             
          settlement information, and testimony relating to Edward’s and              
          Mary’s borrowing history, medical history, and life style                   
          indicate that Edward could not have accumulated anywhere near the           
          $750,000 claimed by petitioners.  Furthermore, Katherine                    
          testified that Gypsies did not believe in carrying insurance, and           
          that neither Mary nor Edward had insurance.  If that is true,               
          then Edward probably did not have medical insurance to pay his              
          medical expenses.  It would follow that some of Edward’s life               
          savings, if any, would have been used to pay his medical                    
          expenses.  Moreover, according to gypsy custom, Edward’s money              
          would have gone to a son.  Even if Edward had not wanted Joe to             
          get his money, there was no showing that he also did not want               
          Jack to get it.  Indeed, Joe testified that Jack acquired                   
          Edward’s interest in a land contract.  We find it implausible               
          that Jack, who ultimately took responsibility for Edward’s                  
          physical care after his discharge from the hospital, would permit           
          Katherine to appropriate all of Edward’s property at a time when            
          Edward was most in need of it.  Yet petitioners would have us               
          believe that Edward willingly gave all of his property to                   
          Katherine at a time he was experiencing extreme medical problems            

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