Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 138

                                       - 66 -                                         
               Petitioners contend that Katherine kept records of daily               
          receipts and bills and delivered them to Baptiste for preparation           
          of the tax returns, but they are no longer available due to the             
          passage of time.  Petitioners maintain that Katherine did the               
          best she could, but her ability to keep records was limited                 
          because of her lack of education, illiteracy, lack of                       
          sophistication, and poor health.  Petitioners, however, do not              
          explain why no records were presented to respondent for any year            
          in issue during the course of the audit which commenced in 1991.            
               We agree with respondent that the record does not support a            
          finding that Frank or Katherine was incapable of keeping records            
          during the years in issue.  They did present at least some                  
          records to their tax preparer.  Moreover, Sylvia lived with them            
          for most of that time, and she performed bill-paying services for           
          them.  Petitioners do not explain why Sylvia also could not have            
          maintained their records while she lived with them.  The                    
          circumstances of the large understatements of income over the               
          years in issue show that Frank and Katherine failed to maintain             
          adequate records of income and expenses.  Their lack of                     
          recordkeeping, coupled with a clear pattern of underreporting               
          substantial amounts of income over a period of 8 years, leads to            
          a particularly strong inference of fraudulent intent.                       

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