Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 146

                                       - 74 -                                         
          limitations applies for each year in issue; therefore, the                  
          statute of limitations does not bar respondent from assessing tax           
          liability against Frank and Katherine for any year in issue.  See           
          sec. 6501(c).  Since we have found fraud for all of the years in            
          issue, we need not address whether the 6-year period of                     
          limitations under section 6501(e) applies for 1990.  We next                
          address the question of the amount of income Frank and Katherine            
          omitted from their income for each of the years in issue.                   
               C.  Amount of Understatement of Income                                 
               Respondent contends that the source and application of funds           
          analyses, as adjusted and set forth infra in Appendix A, properly           
          show the amount of income Frank and Katherine understated for all           
          years in issue.  Petitioners contend, on the other hand, that               
          respondent’s source and application of funds analyses for Frank             
          and Katherine, Larry, Ronnie, and Sylvia are faulty.                        
               Agent Combs never interviewed Frank or Katherine about the             
          source and application of funds analyses he performed for the               
          years in issue.  To a large extent, in calculating their                    
          applications of funds for the years in issue, Agent Combs relied            
          upon source and application of funds analyses he performed for              
          Larry, Ronnie, and Sylvia for the years in issue, information he            
          gathered regarding specific asset purchases, Bureau of Labor                
          Statistics (BLS) estimates of annual expenditures, and                      
          Katherine’s deposition statement that during the years in issue             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011