Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 155

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                    5.  Adjustment for Sylvia’s Gambling Expenditures                 
               Petitioners maintain that gambling expenditures included in            
          Sylvia’s source and application of funds analyses for 1987                  
          through 1989 should be eliminated because respondent did not                
          substantiate those items at trial.  See infra Appendices F                  
          through H.  Respondent maintains that Sylvia’s source and                   
          application of funds analyses are correct.  Respondent asserts              
          that petitioners agreed to these gambling expenditures in                   
          proposed joint findings of fact No. 4.  In addition, respondent             
          states that the record establishes that Sylvia went on one or two           
          gambling vacations each year, and that she participated in                  
          gambling activities.                                                        
               Joint findings of fact No. 4 states as follows:  “The                  
          parties agree that the figures shown in black are the items of              
          the source and application of funds analysis for which the                  
          parties are in agreement and in red for which the parties are not           
          in agreement.”  The gambling expenditures to which petitioners              
          now take exception were shown in black on respondent’s Appendix             
          5.  We take the statements in joint findings of fact No. 4 to               
          represent a concession by petitioners that Sylvia incurred the              
          gambling expenditures in the amounts stated.  Cf. Hodges v.                 
          Commissioner, 50 T.C. 428, 434, 435 n.2 (1968) (certain                     
          statements in respondent’s brief found to be a concession);                 
          Armour v. Commissioner, 41 B.T.A. 777, 795 (1940) (statement in             

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