- 78 - for 1983 and 1984 inasmuch as he lived with Frank and Katherine during those years. The personal living expenses for Frank and Katherine should be adjusted correspondingly to include Ronnie as a member of their household for 1983 and 1984.27 As for Sylvia, she lived with Frank and Katherine until August 1990 at which time she established her own residence. Accordingly, personal living expenses should be deleted from Sylvia’s source and application of funds analyses for 1985 through July 1990, and the personal living expenses for Frank and Katherine should be adjusted to include Sylvia (as well as Jack Miller and Nicole, as appropriate) as members of their household for those years.28 As for petitioners’ contention that adjustments to transportation items included in the BLS average annual expenditure figures should be made in addition to vehicle acquisition costs, except for one item (public transportation), we do not agree because the record reflects that Frank acquired vehicles before and during the years in issue. The record does 27 Although Ronnie lived with Frank and Katherine for part of 1985, we make no allocation for that year because the record shows that he established his own residence in February 1985, and we believe that any adjustment for 1 month would be nominal. 28 Although the record shows that Jack Miller moved into the Longwood property in late 1986, we do not include him as a member of Frank and Katherine’s household for 1986 because the record does not show exactly when he moved into the Longwood residence. Additionally, although the record shows that Sylvia’s daughter was born in 1988, we do not include her as a member of Frank and Katherine’s household for 1988 because the record does not show exactly when she was born.Page: Previous 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011