Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 151

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          not show that Frank did not drive or maintain those vehicles                
          during the years in issue.  However, we believe that public                 
          transportation figures should be deleted from the BLS figures for           
          all of the Johnson family members because we do not believe that            
          they would use public transportation in light of the number and             
          kinds of vehicles they acquired before and during the years in              
               As for personal insurance and pension figures in the BLS               
          figures, we agree with petitioners that those items should be               
          deleted for all Johnson family members on the basis of                      
          Katherine’s testimony that they did not believe in carrying                 
          insurance.  In addition, we think that reading, education, and              
          tobacco figures should be deleted for Frank and Katherine because           
          of their ages, illiteracy, and health conditions.  As for Ronnie            
          and Sylvia, we believe that education figures should be deleted             
          for them because of their ages and schooling history.                       
          Accordingly, we hold that adjustments to the BLS figures are                
          needed in accordance with the above.  See infra Appendix J for              
          revised personal living expenses for Frank and Katherine, Larry,            
          Ronnie, and Sylvia reflecting those adjustments.                            
                    2.  Adjustment for Specific Gift                                  
               Petitioners contend that, for 1990, respondent failed to               
          credit either Larry or Ronnie with a $43,101 specific gift that             
          is charged to Frank and Katherine as an application of funds for            

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