Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 147

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          she and Frank gave Larry, Ronnie, and Sylvia funds to purchase              
          assets and to pay their personal living expenses.  Both Frank and           
          Katherine were deceased by the time of trial.                               
               Petitioners have the burden of proving that respondent’s               
          determinations as to the amount of the understated income are               
          incorrect.  Rule 142(a).  The parties have agreed as to the                 
          amounts reflected on the source and application of funds analyses           
          for Frank and Katherine, Larry, Ronnie, and Sylvia set forth                
          infra in Appendices A through I except as noted therein.                    
          Consequently, we focus primarily on the items that the parties              
          have identified as in dispute.  There are a few additional items            
          in the source and application of funds analyses, however, which             
          we believe from the record also need to be addressed.  Those                
          items also are discussed below.                                             
                    1.  Adjustments to BLS Figures                                    
               Because of the absence of specific information relating to             
          the Johnson family’s personal living expenses, in the source and            
          application of funds analyses for Frank and Katherine, Larry,               
          Ronnie, and Sylvia, respondent used data from Table 4 of the                
          Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Expenditure Survey for each             
          year in issue to calculate personal living expenditures.                    
          Petitioners contend that respondent’s use of the BLS tables is              
          flawed because those tables do not accurately reflect Frank and             
          Katherine’s lifestyle.  Petitioners assert that respondent did              

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