Estate of Frank Johnson - Page 142

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          Sylvia cash or by placing assets in their names.  That conduct is           
          evidence of fraudulent intent.                                              
                    (6)  Failure To Cooperate with Respondent                         
               Respondent asserts that petitioners failed to cooperate with           
          respondent’s agents during the examination of their returns.                
          Respondent maintains that petitioners’ justification for their              
          lack of cooperation (i.e., that in 1990 or 1991 respondent’s                
          revenue agent referred to all Gypsies as crooks), does not                  
          provide a basis for failing to cooperate.                                   
               Petitioners, however, maintain that respondent is attempting           
          to attribute the actions of Larry and Baptiste to Frank and                 
          Katherine.  They contend that there is no evidence that Frank and           
          Katherine failed to cooperate with respondent’s agents during the           
          course of the examination of their returns, or that Katherine               
          made false or misleading statements to respondent’s revenue                 
          agents.  Petitioners maintain that the only employee of                     
          respondent who requested records from Frank and Katherine was               
          Revenue Officer Budde, and that request related to a delinquent             
          filing investigation of their 1986 through 1988 returns.                    
          Petitioners contend that Frank and Katherine cooperated with                
          Revenue Officer Budde by filing returns for those years even                
          though they were not required to file them because of the income            
          threshold requirements.                                                     

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