Estate of Marvin M. Schwan - Page 25

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          therefore is whether the bonus may be applied to payment of taxes           
          and expenses in lieu of gross estate assets which would support a           
          deduction if transferred to charity.                                        
               The property from which a decedent’s debts and taxes are               
          payable and the order of payment of those items are governed by             
          applicable State law.  See Riggs v. Del Drago, 317 U.S. 95, 97-98           
          (1942).  The pertinent law in this case regarding the                       
          administration of the Estate is that of South Dakota.  Under                
          South Dakota law as in effect in 1993, where a decedent’s will,             
          construed together with other testamentary instruments, directs             
          the source from which obligations are to be paid, such directions           
          are given effect.  See S.D. Codified Laws secs. 29-5-1, 29-5-2,             
          29-5-4, 29-6-7, 29-7-1 (1993).  The statutory codification then             
          provides additional default rules to ensure a complete and                  
          orderly disposition of the decedent’s property.  Accordingly, we            
          must first consider the portions of decedent’s will and the 1992            
          Trust agreement which speak to this issue.                                  
               Decedent’s will states the following regarding taxes and               
                    Payment of debts, expenses and death taxes.  I                    
               direct my Executors to pay out of my residuary estate                  
               my legally enforceable debts and the expenses of my                    
               last illness, funeral and burial.  I direct that all                   
               inheritance, estate, succession and transfer taxes * *                 
               * which may be imposed by any domestic or foreign law                  
               by reason of my death or because of the transfer,                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011