John D. Spivey and Pamela K. Spivey - Page 11

                                       - 11 -                                         
          1999, petitioners, through their counsel, filed a Freedom of                
          Information Act (FOIA) request (petitioners’ FOIA request).                 
          Petitioners’ FOIA request sought, inter alia, respondent’s                  
          administrative file relating to petitioners’ taxable year 1997.             
          In various letters sent to petitioners over the period December             
          14, 1999, through April 27, 2000, respondent requested additional           
          time from petitioners to respond to petitioners’ FOIA request.              
          The reason for respondent’s request for an extension of time to             
          respond to petitioners’ FOIA request was that respondent had been           
          unable to locate petitioners’ administrative file with respect to           
          their taxable year 1997.  As of the hearing on the parties’                 
          cross-motions to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction, respondent               
          still had not located petitioners’ administrative file relating             
          to petitioners’ taxable year 1997.                                          
               On December 13, 1999, respondent mailed a notice to peti-              
          tioners with respect to their taxable year 1997 (December 13,               
          1999 notice).  That notice stated in pertinent part:                        
              We intend to levy on certain assets.  Please respond NOW.               
                  *       *       *       *       *       *       *                   
               Our records indicate that you haven’t paid the amount                  
               you owe.  The law requires that you pay your tax at the                
               time you file your return.  This is your notice, as                    
               required by Internal Revenue Code Section 6331(d), of                  
               our intent to levy (take) any state tax refunds that                   
               you may be entitled to if we don’t receive your payment                
               in full.  In addition, we will begin to search for                     
               other assets we may levy. * * * To prevent collection                  
               action, please pay the current balance now. * * *                      

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Last modified: May 25, 2011