Estate of H.A. True, Jr. - Page 172

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          described in the True Oil section of this opinion.  See supra pp.           
          204-206.  Accordingly, Mr. Kimball applied 35-percent                       
          marketability discounts to the marketable minority values as of             
          January 1, 1993, June 4, 1994, and June 30, 1994.                           
                      b. Final Lax Report                                             
              The final Lax report concluded that a minority interest in              
          Eighty-Eight Oil was relatively illiquid, for the same reasons              
          described in the True Oil section of this opinion.  See supra pp.           
          206-207.  Therefore, Mr. Lax applied a 45-percent marketability             
          discount to the marketable minority value calculated as of                  
          June 3, 1994.                                                               
                      c. Respondent’s Position                                        
              Respondent characterizes the Eighty-Eight Oil interests as              
          being marketable and therefore proposes a 10-percent discount for           
          interests being valued as of January 1, 1993, and June 30, 1994,            
          and no discount (due to swing vote potential) for the interest              
          being valued as of June 4, 1994.                                            
                      d. Court’s Analysis                                             
              First, we reject Mr. Kimball’s justifications for                       
          marketability discounts that derive from the buy-sell agreement             
          restrictions.  Second, we reject Mr. Lax’s and respondent’s                 
          proffered marketability discounts for the same reasons stated in            
          the True Oil section of this opinion.  See supra p. 213.                    

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