5 known as Donald E. Trainer Accounting Corporation), Charles William Wright, CPA, A/C (also known as Charles William Wright, CPA, Accounting Corporation), and Victor Grigoraci, CPA, A/C (also known as Victor Grigoraci, CPA, Accounting Corporation). In 1996, Wright S Corp. was an S corporation under section 1361. Its sole shareholder was Charles Wright, an individual. Mr. Wright is a certified public accountant and has been affiliated with TWA or its predecessors, since 1972.6 In 1996, Donald E. Trainer, CPA, A/C was also an S corporation (Trainer S Corporation). Trainer S Corporation’s sole shareholder was Donald Trainer, an individual. Mr. Trainer is a certified public accountant and has been affiliated with TWA or its predecessors since 1972.7 In the later part of 1994, TWA operated offices in Huntington and Charleston, West Virginia. It planned to add another partner to its Charleston office and was in negotiations with Mr. Grigoraci. For the prior year Mr. Grigoraci had operated his accounting practice as a sole proprietorship. In or about November 1995, TWA reached an agreement with Mr. Grigoraci, under which a partner was added to the Charleston office and a new partnership, GTWP, was formed. From negotiations with Messrs. Trainer and Wright, Mr. Grigoraci and his attorney had 6 We make no finding as to whether Mr. Wright or Wright S Corp. was a partner in TWA during 1996. 7 We make no finding as to whether Mr. Trainer or Trainer S Corporation was a partner in TWA during 1996.Page: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011