South Tulsa Pathology Laboratory, Inc. - Page 5

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          clinical business to a large national clinical laboratory because           
          they believed the growth of large national clinical laboratories            
          and the implementation of managed health care during the early              
          1990s would force petitioner out of the clinical business over              
          the next few years.  Petitioner’s shareholders, however, decided            
          they wanted to continue to own and operate the anatomic business            
          using the corporate name, “South Tulsa Pathology Laboratory,                
          Inc.”, under which they had practiced for 25 years.                         
          III. Sale of Clinical Business to NHL                                       
               In August 1993, petitioner was approached by representatives           
          of two national laboratory chains, Smith Kline Laboratories                 
          (Smith Kline) and National Health Laboratories, Inc. (NHL), each            
          of which expressed an interest in purchasing petitioner’s                   
          clinical business.  Both Smith Kline and NHL were large, publicly           
          traded corporations that provided clinical laboratory services to           
          hospitals, physicians, and clinics throughout the United States.            
               Sometime in the fall of 1993, petitioner decided to pursue a           
          sale of its clinical business to NHL.  On September 20, 1993,               
          petitioner and NHL entered into a confidentiality agreement to              
          provide for the disclosure by petitioner to NHL of certain                  
          confidential information.  Under the confidentiality agreement,             
          petitioner agreed to disclose certain financial and business                
          information necessary and appropriate in any negotiations                   
          conducted by the parties.                                                   

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Last modified: May 25, 2011