Sunoco, Inc. and Subsidiaries - Page 54

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                   1982                   Interest    Net interest   Asset ratio     Interest apportioned to foreign            
                                          expense             expense        percent               source income                
                                                                                       No netting            Netting            
                    650 Leasing Co.          $682,931      -0-            34.34           $234,519     -0-                      
                    Sun Leasing Co.          4,729,086     $3,216,310     64.81           3,064,921    $2,084,491               
                    666 Leasing Co.          4,072,539     2,167,684      64.98           2,646,336    1,408,561                
                    670 Leasing Co.          1,830,136     89,166         69.96           1,280,363    62,381                   
                    673 Leasing Co.          1,627,381     374,085        55.98           911,008        209,413                
                    675 Leasing Co.          1,983,276     1,146,615      60.65           1,202,857    695,422                  
                    652 Leasing Co.          794,330       -0-            73.42           583,197         -0-                   
                    Kee Leasing Co.          581,235       567,862        44.47           258,475        252,528                
                    653 Leasing Co.          814,727       -0-            89.11           726,003         -0-                   
                    667 Leasing Co.          3,286,585     647,476        80.00           2,629,268    517,981                  
                    Millcreek Leasing Co.    830,407       -0-            4.26            35,375         -0-                    
                    De Sun Shipping          47,658        -0-            0.58            276         -0-                       
                    Eastern Sun Shipping     37,115        -0-            0.51            189         -0-                       
                    NY Sun Shipping          9,970,340     9,116,332      90.23           8,996,238    8,225,666                
                    NJ Sun Shipping          143,340       127,135        3.76            5,390          4,780                  
                    PA Shipping              46,423        -0-            2.70            1,253         -0-                     
                    Phil Sun Shipping        10,809,958    10,361,281     29.54           3,193,262    3,060,722                
                    Western Sun Shipping     50,003        -0-            0.00            -0-          -0-                      
                    Sun Transport, Inc.      3,650,045     3,550,205      25.99           948,647        922,698                
                    Sun Note Co.             31,066,253    -0-            91.39           28,391,449   -0-                      
                    North Sea Oil Co.        65,897        -0-            34.77           22,912         -0-                    
                    Totem Ocean Trailer      46,949        -0-            49.39           23,188           -0-                  
                    Total                    77,166,614    31,364,151                     55,155,126   17,444,643               

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Last modified: May 25, 2011