Bank One Corporation - Page 64

          set primarily on FNBC’s accounting for swaps and other notional             
          principal contracts.  The agent proposed to disallow the credit             
          and administrative costs adjustments taken by FNBC.  The notice             
          of proposed adjustment (Form 5701) and attached explanation of              
          items (Form 886-A) justified the disallowance on the ground that,           
          by reflecting such adjustments, “FNBC is, in effect, taking a               
          current deduction from taxable income for expenses which, for the           
          most part, will be incurred in future taxable years”.                       
          Respondent’s notices of deficiency disallowed the amounts shown             
          therein with respect to the credit and administrative costs                 
          adjustments because the “carve-out expenses does [sic] not                  
          clearly reflect income in accordance with section 446 of the                
          Internal Revenue Code”.                                                     
          XV.  Petitioner’s Facts Set Forth in Its Petition                           
               As relevant herein, petitioner’s petition set forth the                
          following facts to support its allegations of error as to 1990              
          and 1991:                                                                   
                    (s-1) One of the ways that the Bank [FNBC] makes a                
               profit by selling or purchasing an interest rate swap                  
               contract is through its ability to purchase a swap at                  
               the lower bid price and sell the swap at the higher                    
               offer price while its customers must purchase a swap at                
               the higher offer price and sell it at the lower bid                    
                    (s-2) The compensation that results from the                      
               bid/offer rate differential should neither be all                      
               currently recognized in income at the inception of a                   
               swap, nor all deferred over the life of a swap.                        
               Instead swap compensation should be allocated between                  
               current and deferred income recognition based on when                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011