Bank One Corporation - Page 177

                    (b) Dr. Duffie and Mr. Sziklay may                                
                    communicate freely with each other.                               
                    Additionally, they may communicate ex parte                       
                    with the Court about administrative,                              
                    procedural or scheduling matters.  Each                           
                    expert may identify an assistant with whom                        
                    the parties may communicate about                                 
                    administrative matters, such as contracting                       
                    and payment for expert services.  The Court’s                     
                    experts may not engage directly or indirectly                     
                    in any ex parte communications with any other                     
                    persons, including, but not limited to, the                       
                    parties to this matter, their counsel, the                        
                    parties’ experts, or any association (or                          
                    members thereof) who joined in filing the                         
                    amici brief in this matter with respect to                        
                    the issues in this case.                                          
               3.0 That the Court’s experts shall provide the Court                   
               and shall serve upon counsel for each party their                      
               expert reports in accordance with a schedule                           
               established by the Court.                                              
               4.0 That upon request by the Court or any party,                       
               within 15 days after service of the expert reports, the                
               Court’s experts shall make available for inspection and                
               copying, to the extent necessary, any materials relied                 
               upon in preparing the reports that are not part of the                 
               record or readily available.                                           
               5.0 That except by leave of Court, the Court’s experts                 
               shall not be subject to discovery.  However, consistent                
               with the Court’s Rules of Practice and Procedure,                      
               either party is at liberty to utilize limited discovery                
               by way of written interrogatories to be served on the                  
               expert for the sole purpose of ascertaining any                        
               possible bias of the appointed experts.                                
               6.0 That each party may submit rebuttal expert                         
               reports, which shall be filed with the Court, served on                
               opposing counsel and provided to the Court’s experts.                  
               7.0 That the reports of the Court’s experts will serve                 
               as their direct testimony at trial.  In the order of                   
               Petitioner and then Respondent, the parties will have                  
               the opportunity to cross-examine the Court’s experts.                  
               The parties, in the same order of proceeding, will                     
               thereafter have the opportunity to present any                         

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Last modified: May 25, 2011