Bank One Corporation - Page 178

               additional expert evidence in rebuttal to the testimony                
               of the Court’s experts.  However, all expert testimony                 
               will be limited to experts who have already testified                  
               in this trial and there will be no additional fact                     
               evidence adduced.  The experts shall be limited to the                 
               record and materials of a type reasonably relied upon                  
               by experts in the particular field.                                    
               8.0 That further proceedings in this case shall not                    
               resume any earlier than 15 days after service of the                   
               last rebuttal reports.                                                 
               9.0 That any report or other document required to be                   
               served pursuant to this stipulation shall be served by                 
               a next-day delivery service.                                           
               10.0  That the Court shall provide the schedule for the                
               reports to be filed and unless otherwise ordered, the                  
               following schedule shall apply:                                        

                  Court Appointed                                                     
                  Expert’s reports         February 15, 2001                          
                  Rebuttal expert reports                                             
                  submitted by the         15 days after the Court’s                  
                  parties                  expert’s reports                           
                  Rebuttal expert reports                                             
                  submitted by the         15 days after the Rebuttal                 
                  Court’s experts          expert’s reports                           

               10.1  The Court may permit the Court’s experts or the                  
               parties’ experts to offer expert rebuttal testimony                    
               without a written report.                                              
               11.0  That the Court’s experts shall make themselves                   
               available at a session of the Court at a place and at a                
               time designated by the Court for cross examination by                  
               the parties on their report.                                           
               12.0  That after consultation with the parties, the                    
               terms and conditions of the expert’s employment will be                
               directed by the Court, and executed by the parties.                    
               The fees and expenses of the experts will be paid                      
               equally by the parties hereto and the parties shall                    
               timely pay the experts in accordance with the terms and                
               conditions of the expert’s agreement.                                  

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Last modified: May 25, 2011