Raymond Bourbeau - Page 4

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               determine.  In order for a trier of fact to make a                     
               determination there must be a trial at which evidence                  
               and testimony is [sic] presented.  As of this date                     
               there has been no trial and no trier of fact has made                  
               any determination.  An employee of the IRS is not a                    
               trier of fact and cannot make a determination as to                    
               whether or not I am required to file a return and pay a                
               tax.  For additional [sic] see the response letter                     
               attached hereto and made a part hereof.                                
          Petitioner included with his hearing request a three-page letter            
          containing frivolous arguments.                                             
               On February 11, 2002, Appeals Officer Maureen Jenkins sent             
          petitioner a letter informing him that an Appeals Office hearing            
          (hearing) was scheduled for his case on February 26, 2002, at the           
          Appeals Office in Boston, Massachusetts.                                    
               On February 26, 2002, petitioner attended the hearing.                 
          Appeals Officer Jenkins and Appeals Team Manager Gene Peschier              
          were present at the hearing.  Petitioner and respondent recorded            
          the hearing, and a court reporter transcribed the hearing.  At              
          the hearing, petitioner called his “adviser”, Thomas Smith (who             
          was in Utah), twice on petitioner’s cell phone.  Petitioner                 
          repeatedly asked Appeals Officer Jenkins and Appeals Team Manager           
          Peschier to show him the delegation of authority from the                   
          Secretary authorizing Appeals Officer Jenkins and Appeals Team              
          Manager Peschier to conduct the hearing.  Petitioner did not                
          raise any other issues or arguments at the hearing.                         
               At the hearing, Appeals Officer Jenkins reviewed                       
          petitioner’s administrative file and transcripts of account for             

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Last modified: May 25, 2011