Charles T. McCord, Jr. and Mary S. McCord, Donors - Page 117

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          majority assert a line of analysis that is contrary to both the             
          established facts and respondent’s litigating position.  Pursuant           
          to the assignment agreement, the gift closed, and beneficial and            
          legal title to the assigned interest was transferred to CFT on              
          January 12, 1996.  Respondent contends that, irrespective of when           
          the gift closed, the Court must ignore all intermediate steps and           
          focus on the end result (i.e., the cash received in redemption).            
          The majority sidestep the assignment agreement and redemption,              
          and focus on the allocation in the confirmation agreement.                  
               Second, the majority cite regulations that are inapplicable            
          to petitioners’ transfer.  See sec. 1.664-2(a)(1)(iii), Income              
          Tax Regs. (relating to charitable remainder annuity trusts); sec.           
          20.2055-2(e)(2)(v) and (vi)(a), Estate Tax Regs. (relating to               
          guaranteed annuity interests), and 25.2702-3(b)(1)(ii)(B) and               
          (b)(2), Gift Tax Regs. (relating to qualified annuity interests).           
          Majority op. pp. 63-64 note 46.  The deductibility of all                   
          transfers to charities is not governed by these requirements.               
               Third, as the majority acknowledge, petitioners transferred            
          to the donees “a fraction of the gifted interest based on the               
          value of that interest as determined under Federal gift tax                 
          valuation principles.”  Majority op. p. 62.  There is no material           
          difference between fair market value “as determined under Federal           
          gift tax valuation principles” and fair market value “as finally            
          determined for Federal gift tax purposes”.  Once this Court’s               

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