Walter L. Medlin - Page 16

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          reconstruction of those expenses.  Petitioner’s only argument               
          relates to certain deductions he claims for alleged expenses from           
          his orange grove, cattle, and Ferrari automobile collection                 
          activities.  We hold that petitioner has conceded any arguments             
          relating to respondent’s reconstruction of the allowable expenses           
          for his real estate business.                                               
               2.  Personal Residence Interest                                        
                                  FINDINGS OF FACT                                    
               On August 31, 1981, petitioner purchased his personal                  
          residence in Osceola County, Kissimmee, Florida, from Walter E.             
          and Maxine J. Melitshka.66  Petitioner borrowed certain amounts             
          from the Melitshkas for the purchase of this residence.  The                
          amount of the loan, the interest rate, the repayment terms for              
          the loan, and the actual amount of interest petitioner paid                 
          during tax years 1985, 1986, 1987, and 1988 were not established            
          on the record.                                                              
               Respondent determined that petitioner was entitled to                  
          deductions for mortgage interest paid on his personal residence             
          of $24,957, $0, $41,759, and $16,249 for 1985, 1986, 1987, and              
          1988, respectively.  Petitioner does not challenge those                    
          determinations on brief, and, accordingly, he has conceded the              

               66The residence was originally titled in the name of Mr.               
          Miles, as trustee; however, on Aug. 10, 1990, Mr. Miles conveyed            
          title to the residence to petitioner.                                       

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