Walter L. Medlin - Page 19

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          expenses with respect to those activities, he reported them on              
          the Schedules C for his real estate business.                               
               Petitioner claims that he is entitled to deductions for 1985           
          through 1988, which relate to expenses incurred with respect to             
          his orange grove, his cattle, and his collection of Ferrari                 
          automobiles.68  Respondent argues that petitioner was not engaged           
          in a trade or business with respect to those activities and that            
          petitioner has failed to substantiate the expenses he claims.               
               It is well established that “‘an income tax deduction is a             
          matter of legislative grace and that the burden of clearly                  
          showing the right to the claimed deduction is on the taxpayer.’”            
          INDOPCO, Inc. v. Commissioner, 503 U.S. 79, 84 (1992) (quoting              
          Interstate Transit Lines v. Commissioner, 319 U.S. 590, 593                 
          (1943)).  It is also the taxpayer’s burden to show that the                 
          particular expense is currently deductible and is not a capital             

               68Petitioner claims that he reported the expenses relating             
          to his orange grove, cattle, and Ferrari activities on his                  
          returns for 1985 through 1988.  The civil report that respondent            
          prepared indicates that petitioner claimed expenses for those               
          activities.  However, we are unable to determine from the                   
          spreadsheets and petitioner’s returns to what extent he claimed             
          expenses for those activities, since the expenses are                       
          intermingled with expenses for other activities.  Further, we are           
          unable to determine whether any expenses, if identifiable, were             
          in fact incurred in the activities that petitioner claims.  Also,           
          it appears from petitioner’s supplement to petition that he is              
          claiming expenses in greater amounts than the expenses claimed on           
          his returns.                                                                

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