Walter L. Medlin - Page 173

                                       - 98 -                                         
          number “1-23” listed on the deposit statement to the bank tracing           
          number “1-23” on the Dean Witter check.                                     
               Respondent determined that the deposit of $140,000 was                 
          taxable as income to petitioner for 1988.                                   
               Petitioner argues that the deposit on July 8, 1988, of                 
          $140,000, was traceable to a loan from Richard Margolis, that the           
          loan proceeds were needed to make a mortgage payment on the                 
          Partin property, and that “The loan was secured by being                    
          structured as a sale and option to buy back from Margolis rather            
          than a mortgage to Margolis.”  Respondent agrees that $97,893.78            
          was transferred from the Medlin/Prather Ranch ledger card to the            
          Medlin/Partin ledger card and that checks were written for the              
          Medlin/Partin property on that same date; however, respondent               
          disagrees that the deposit for $140,000 and the subsequent                  
          transfers establish that a loan was made.  We agree with                    
               We find that petitioner has established that the source of             
          the $140,000 deposit was the Dean Witter check of $140,000.  That           
          check was dated July 7, 1988, the day before the unidentified               
          deposit to the Medlin/Prather Ranch Property card.  Ms. Goodman             
          testified that she always used the bank tracing number for checks           
          when making deposits.  As such, she was able to match the bank              
          tracing number on the Dean Witter check to the bank tracing                 

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Last modified: May 25, 2011