- 92 - A Oh. Okay. She could probably tell you better than I could. Q But that kind of a mistake would have been corrected through the transfer that we see on there? A That’s correct. Q And that’s your memory of it now? A I don’t have any memory of it. Just looking at that and knowing the cast of characters, I think that’s what happened. Mike Partin, who was personally involved with the Sybil Partin/Michael Bast transaction, also testified that petitioner had no ownership interest in the property sold to Mr. Bast, that Sybil Partin was the owner of the property, and that Mr. Bast was the purchaser. Although petitioner did not question Ms. Goodman regarding the deposit entry and the purported correction, Ms. Goodman was questioned generally about the ledger system she maintained. She testified that the ledger system did not involve actual physical transfers but was “simply a bookkeeping trace”. Ms. Goodman testified that when a transfer was made to another ledger card, “I would write, Moved, on the card that it came from, and I would write either Received or Transferred from the card that it came from.” On the basis of the testimony offered at trial, we are satisfied that petitioner did not have an ownership or other interest in the property sold by Sybil Partin to Michael Bast andPage: Previous 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011