Walter L. Medlin - Page 165

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               got first shot at buying a couple pieces of property.                  
               And one of them was a Breckenridge piece that is                       
               subject to this.  I forget what the other piece was.                   
                    But because of my relationship with Mike, a couple                
               people had come to me.  One of them was Mr.                            
               Schoolfield.  I believe he bought the parcel that Doc                  
               Partin had gotten.  I wasn’t interested in it.                         
                    And so Mike Bast had come to me and asked me if I                 
               was trying to buy Sybil’s piece and/or if I could help                 
               him buy it.  And, basically, I, you know, told him I                   
               wasn’t interested in it.  I couldn’t--I had all I could                
               afford at the time.  And, so I took him to Mike Partin                 
               --they really knew each other--but I basically took him                
               to Mike Partin and said, Mike and Mike, why don’t you                  
               all get together on Sybil’s behalf because Mike, Mr.                   
               Mike Partin who was here, and his wife had been                        
               handling his aunt’s, who is Sybil, handling all her                    
               affairs and helping handle her cattle because she was a                
               widow.  And I think she was the only sister in the                     
               group, I believe, so she didn’t have any help.  Anyway,                
               I kind of put the deal together for them, put the two                  
               of them together, and recommended that Mike take Aunt                  
               Sybil over to Steve Miles and have him do the closing                  
               and so forth.                                                          
                    And, I think, because of my PR position in the                    
               middle, dealmaker or whatever, it got put on one of my                 
               cards by Alana, I think.  Then, it appears, that a                     
               couple days later, Mr. Miles--and again I’m guessing by                
               looking at this--had said, Wait a minute.  This is not                 
               Medlin’s deal.  Start a card that says Sybil Partin and                
               transfer everything to Sybil Partin’s card.  I’m                       
               surmising this.  I haven’t discussed this with Mr.                     
               Miles.  I’ve heard his testimony and Alana’s testimony                 
               as to kind of how these things happen.                                 
          Mr. Miles referenced various checks accompanying ledger card No.            
          70042 and concluded that the references to “Partin” on that card            
          must refer to “Edward L. Partin”, known as “Geech Partin”, and              
          “Constance Partin”.  Mr. Miles testified that the property                  
          referred to in ledger card No. 70042 “was known or later                    

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Last modified: May 25, 2011