Walter L. Medlin - Page 169

                                       - 94 -                                         
          19, 1993, from Revenue Agent Sherri Blackton to Special Agent               
          Linda Ford states with respect to the source of this deposit:               
                    At 12:35 p.m. today, Mr. Larry Blackwater of                      
               Community First Bank of Winter Garden returned my call.                
               I explained that I had a question regarding a deposit                  
               made to Mr. Medlin’s account number 18066 on April 9,                  
               1987 in the amount of $67,740.  The deposited item we                  
               received in response to the summons previously issued                  
               to the bank indicated the money was transferred from                   
               another account. (#1089234)  I explained that I needed                 
               to identify the originating account owner.  * * *                      
                         *    *    *    *    *    *    *                              
                    At 1:08 p.m. Mr. Blackwelder called to report that                
               the originating account belonged to Mr. Medlin and that                
               he thought we were provided with copies of the                         
               statements, etc. to that account.  He stated his                       
               research indicated that a $90,000 check from Orlando                   
               Land and Investment, less a $22,260 cashier’s check,                   
               was deposited to account number 1089234.  The $67,740                  
               was then immediately transferred to account number                     
          A “Transfer of Funds” statement by Tucker State Bank states:  “On           
          the date indicated above [4/9/87], we made the following transfer           
          of funds between your accounts, according to your instructions              
          received by phone * * *.  We have charged your account for this             
          transfer From 1089234 to 00018066.”  The statement is to “Walter            
          L. Medlin” and shows an amount of “$67,740.00”.                             
               Orlando Land & Investment Co. issued a check dated April 3,            
          1987, for $90,000, which is payable to the order of petitioner              
          and which contains the notation “FOR Loan”.  A deposit ticket for           

          shows the type of account as a trust with a “separate agreement”,           
          and states an initial deposit of $67,740 having been made on                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011