Walter L. Medlin - Page 164

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          account is entitled “Walter Medlin” and “Re $ Partin”.61  Lines 3           
          through 6 of that ledger card contain the following notations:              
          Date       Name                Memo        Received    Disbursed            
          9-16-86  Michael Bast            Medlin/Partin    $84,521.63         --     
          9-16-86  Natl. Land & Inv. Inc   Medlin/Partin       1,000.00         --    
          9-18-86  Transferred to Partin                                              
          Sybil card                 --               --         $84,521.63           
          9-18-86  Transferred to Partin                                              
          Sybil card                 –-                --           1,000.00          
          Respondent determined that the deposit of $84,521.63 was taxable            
          as income to petitioner for 1986.                                           
               Petitioner contends that he did not receive the benefit of             
          the deposit of $84,521.63 on September 16, 1986, that the amount            
          deposited related to a transaction between Michael Bast and Sybil           
          Partin that did not involve petitioner, that the entry on the               
          ledger card was a mistake, and that this mistake was corrected 2            
          days later with a transfer to the correct ledger card.                      
               At trial, petitioner testified that he did not receive any             
          of the proceeds of the $84,521.63 deposit and that he had no                
          interest in the sale of property from Ms. Partin to Mr. Bast.               
          Petitioner testified that the entry on the Medlin/Partin ledger             
          card must have been a mistake:                                              
                    And because of my relationship with Mike and                      
               having a real estate license and being interested in                   
               real estate as well as his cattle business, I kind of                  

               61This ledger card relates to ledger card No. 70043, which             
          has its title line partially cut off.  The title line does show             
          “Partin”, “P.O. Box 521  Kissimmee, FL”, and lists the “Adverse             
          Party” as “Partin Property”.                                                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011