- 147 - A Oh, like the downpayment at closing. Q Right. A Same thing. Q Did you use Miles--any of the money in Miles’s trust account at times to attempt to make purchases of property? A Oh, yes. Q And did you think that that caused you to have to declare that as income when you made the purchase through Miles? A No, sir. Q Why not? A Again, I had this. I thought, an understanding of what a tax-free exchange was, and I don’t think in this game you have to be off very much. But apparently I was off a little bit on this. Q Well, what was your understanding in the years at issue--1985, ‘-6, ‘-7, and ‘8, as to how this tax-free exchange worked in relation to your tax liability? A Okay. It’s hard to divorce myself from what I think today and what I thought today--is that, you could sell a piece of property, the money goes into escrow, and you take that money and buy another piece of property, and if you don’t--again, I refer to it as, take it out and spend it on wine, women, and song-- Q By that, you mean-- A --that is reinvestment. Q By that phrase--wine, women, and song--you mean take it out for yourself, for living. A Yes, sir. Q And if you didn’t take it out for living, what was your opinion at that time?Page: Previous 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011