Walter L. Medlin - Page 114

                                       - 39 -                                         
               1986, and/or Assigns, as Buyer, entered into that                      
               certain Contract and Sale and Purchase dated May 2,                    
               1986 (the “Contract”) with respect to the purchase of                  
               approximately 31.50 acres, more or less, located in                    
               Osceola County, Florida (the “Property”); and                          
                    WHEREAS, the terms of the Contract provide for                    
               Seller’s obligation to complete construction of a road                 
               to be known as “Dan Smith Road” adjacent to the                        
               Property at Seller’s expense within one (1) year after                 
               the date of closing, and further provide for Buyer’s                   
               right to complete said construction and be reimbursed                  
               by Seller in the event of Seller’s failure to complete                 
               said construction in accordance with the Contract; and                 
                    WHEREAS, the Contract further calls for the                       
               personal guaranty of Seller’s performance of said road                 
               construction and payment for said road construction by                 
               the undersigned;                                                       
                    NOW THEREFORE, as an inducement to the Buyer to                   
               purchase the Property, and for good and valuable                       
               consideration not herein recited but the receipt and                   
               sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the                       
               undersigned, jointly and severally, give to Buyer, and                 
               its successors and assigns, their continuing and                       
               unconditional guaranty of performance and payment by                   
               the Seller of the following described obligation, to                   
               the same extent as if Guarantors were the named parties                
               identified as the Seller under the Contract:                           
                         *    *    *    *    *    *    *                              
                    The Guarantors hereunder also agree to pay all                    
               costs (including attorneys’ fees whether incurred in                   
               connection with collection, trail [sic], appeal or                     
               otherwise) of collection against the Guarantors under                  
               this Guaranty.  The liability of Guarantors hereunder                  
               is binding upon Guarantors and Guarantors’ successors                  
               and assigns.                                                           
          Petitioner and Dr. Gant signed the guaranty.                                
               In August 1988, Mr. Miles, as trustee, sold approximately 10           
          acres of East Lake Vista for $80,000.  Petitioner, for Mr. Miles,           

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Last modified: May 25, 2011