Walter L. Medlin - Page 121

                                       - 46 -                                         
          services.  Also, we cannot accept that he was performing those              
          services for free.  Petitioner does not suggest that amounts he             
          received following the sales in 1986 and 1988 were, in fact,                
          compensation, and, indeed, petitioner claims those amounts were             
          loans.  It is more plausible that petitioner’s performance of               
          services and his guarantee for the road construction arose from             
          his ownership interest in East Lake Vista.                                  
               Under petitioner’s argument, we must assume that any                   
          services that petitioner performed were for the benefit of Dr.              
          Gant, the purported 100-percent owner of East Lake Vista.  But,             
          Dr. Gant did not testify that petitioner performed services for             
          his benefit and that he compensated petitioner.  Dr. Gant’s                 
          testimony, as a whole, indicates that petitioner performed the              
          real estate services for a 50-percent interest in East Lake                 
          Vista.  Dr. Gant testified that he and petitioner started out 50-           
          50, with Dr. Gant putting up all the money30 and petitioner doing           
          all the work.  However, according to an “agreement” with Mr.                
          Miles, ownership of the property was “posted as 100 percent on my           
          part since I put up the money”.  Dr. Gant also testified:                   
               Q    Did you pay anything for the additional 50 percent                
               interest from Mr. Medlin?                                              

               30Dr. Gant testified that he gave petitioner $125,000 in               
          1984 for the purchase of East Lake Vista.  This amount represents           
          the initial cash portion of the purchase price for the property.            
          Dr. Gant testified:  “I didn’t pay any more.  We paid it out of             
          operations at the time.”                                                    

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