Judith M. De Shon and Michael J. De Shon - Page 11

                                       - 10 -                                         
          consideration is that it was unlikely as a matter of fact that              
          the bank would have to honor its obligation to the depositors.”);           
          Rivera v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1993-609 (a settlement                   
          agreement, a court order, and payment pursuant to the settlement            
          agreement together reasonably established an abandonment of debt,           
          not when payments recorded); Estate of Marcus v. Commissioner,              
          T.C. Memo. 1975-9 (decedent’s estate realized income in the year            
          of decedent’s death because the executors did not intend to                 
          satisfy certain debts and the creditor did not intend to enforce            
          such claims).  A deemed discharge of indebtedness occurred in               
          1999 when Discover ceased collection activities against                     
          petitioners.  Accordingly, we conclude that petitioners did not             
          receive discharge of indebtedness income from account 790 of                
          $8,637 in 2001.                                                             
                    3.   Account 879                                                  
               Mr. De Shon denies ownership of account 879.  In contrast,             
          respondent contends that petitioners received discharge of                  
          indebtedness income as reported on the Form 1099-C.  We agree               
          with respondent.                                                            
               Petitioners in fact received the Form 1099-C from Discover,            
          which was addressed to their current mailing address.  Upon                 
          receiving the Form 1099-C, we find it noteworthy that petitioners           
          did not contact Discover concerning this account, especially in             
          light of their contention that they did not maintain this                   

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