Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation - Page 18

                                       - 18 -                                         
               Section 451(a) generally provides that “The amount of any              
          item of gross income shall be included in the gross income for              
          the taxable year in which received by the taxpayer, unless, under           
          the method of accounting used in computing taxable income, such             
          amount is to be properly accounted for as of a different period.”           
          Accrual method taxpayers normally recognize income when “all the            
          events have occurred which fix the right to receive” income and             
          the amount of income “can be determined with reasonable                     
          accuracy.”  Sec. 1.451-1(a), Income Tax Regs.  However, as more             
          fully explained, infra, payments of option premiums are not                 
          recognized when received, even when the recipient has a fixed               
          right to retain the payments, because the character of those                
          payments is uncertain until the option has been exercised or has            
          lapsed.  E.g., Old Harbor Native Corp. v. Commissioner, 104 T.C.            
          191, 200 (1995).  Because of the unique facts in this case, we              
          must examine the rules governing the tax treatment of option                
          premiums and the policy underlying those rules to decide whether            
          a prior approval purchase contract constitutes an option for                
          Federal income tax purposes.                                                
               “An option has historically required the following two                 
          elements:  (1) A continuing offer to do an act, or to forbear               
          from doing an act, which does not ripen into a contract until               
          accepted; and (2) an agreement to leave the offer open for a                
          specified or reasonable period of time.”  Id. at 201 (citing                

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Last modified: May 25, 2011