-6- Mr. Facq used his margin account not only to borrow the funds necessary to exercise his options but also to fund the payments of withholding taxes. He also used the margin account to borrow money to purchase other items in 1999 and 2000. For example, he purchased a Dodge Viper, a 53-foot boat, a Ferrari F50, a Lamborghini Diablo, a condominium in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, a house in France for his parents, and a house in Woodinville, Washington. Mr. Facq had title to his InfoSpace shares subject to the interest of Hambrecht and Quist securing the repayment of his loans. Mr. Facq had the right to vote the shares, to receive dividends with respect to the shares, and to pledge the shares as collateral. Mr. Facq generally kept the shares in his margin account and did not sell them immediately to pay the amount he owed to Hambrecht and Quist. He was confident in the success of the business he helped create and anticipated that the stock would continue to appreciate like many other Internet stocks of the time. Unfortunately, the value of the stock declined significantly in mid-2000. As the value of the stock declined, Hambrecht and Quist issued Mr. Facq numerous margin calls on his account in July and August 2000. Mr. Facq had to either deposit funds in the account or Hambrecht and Quist would sell some of the InfoSpace stock to cover the outstanding debts. Mr. Facq accepted a $3 million loan from Mr. Jain and a $3 million loan from InfoSpace to pay down the margin debt he owed to HambrechtPage: Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next
Last modified: May 25, 2011