Helen M. Korchak - Page 58

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               With respect to the marital status factor, petitioner and              
          Mr. Korchak were still married and living together at the time of           
          the trial.                                                                  
               With respect to the economic hardship factor, pursuant to              
          Madison Recycling Associates v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2001-85,           
          respondent assessed against petitioner and Mr. Korchak a defi-              
          ciency of $140,388 in tax for their taxable year 1982 and inter-            
          est thereon as of October 3, 2003, of $1,107,797.85 resulting               
          from the disallowance of the claimed $58,089 Madison Recycling              
          loss and the claimed Madison Recycling tax credits of $114,407.             
          If the Court were to deny petitioner’s claim under section 6015,            
          petitioner and Mr. Korchak would be jointly and severally liable            
          for that assessed deficiency and that assessed interest, none of            
          which had been paid as of the time of the trial.  Moreover,                 
          pursuant to Korchak v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 2005-244, and the           
          parties’ stipulation to be bound, see supra note 3, if the Court            
          were to deny petitioner’s claim under section 6015, petitioner              
          and Mr. Korchak would be jointly and severally liable for addi-             
          tions to tax for their taxable year 1982 under sections                     
          6653(a)(1), 6653(a)(2), and 6659 of $7,019.40, 50 percent of the            
          interest due on the assessed deficiency of $140,388, and                    
          $34,322.10, respectively.                                                   
               Petitioner contends that at the time of the trial the total            
          liability with respect to her taxable year 1982 “greatly exceeds”           

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