Helen M. Korchak - Page 60

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               If petitioner and Mr. Korchak were to use all of the assets            
          owned at the time of the trial, they would be unable to pay even            
          the $2 million of the liability for their taxable year 1982 that,           
          at a minimum, the parties agree existed at that time.  And they             
          would be left with no assets to pay the balance of that liabil-             
          ity, including the interest as provided by law that continues to            
          accrue and that causes that liability to continue to increase.              
          All that petitioner and Mr. Korchak would be left with to pay the           
          balance of the 1982 total liability, as well as all of their                
          basic reasonable living expenses,32 would be petitioner’s annual            
          salary of $115,000 and Mr. Korchak’s annual salary of $90,000               
          that they were receiving at the time of the trial.33  Of course,            
          those salaries would be subject to Federal and State income taxes           
          and Social Security taxes, as required by law.  Moreover, as of             
          the time of the trial, petitioner intended to retire in 2007 at             
          age 70.34                                                                   

               32The basic reasonable living expenses of petitioner and Mr.           
          Korchak include the expenses with respect to the $139,000 of                
          liabilities to which their residence that petitioner owned at the           
          time of the trial was subject.                                              
               33During 2004, the year before the trial took place, in                
          addition to the respective salaries of petitioner and Mr.                   
          Korchak, they received other income from various sources totaling           
          $60,003.  The record does not disclose how much, if any, income             
          from such sources petitioner and Mr. Korchak expect to receive              
          after 2004.                                                                 
               34Although Mr. Korchak testified that as of the time of the            
          trial he had no intention of retiring, we note that he was 71               
          years old at that time.                                                     

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Last modified: May 25, 2011