Helen M. Korchak - Page 61

                                       - 61 -                                         
               On the record before us, we find that petitioner would                 
          suffer an economic hardship if she were required to pay the 1982            
          total liability.                                                            
               With respect to the tax compliance factor, petitioner                  
          contends, and respondent does not dispute, that she complied with           
          the tax laws for her taxable years following her taxable year               
               Based upon our examination of the entire record before us,             
          we find that, taking into account all the facts and circum-                 
          stances, it is inequitable to hold petitioner liable for the                
          deficiency in, and additions to, tax (as well as interest thereon           
          as provided by law) attributable to the understatement in the               
          1982 joint tax return.  On that record, we further find that                
          petitioner satisfies section 6015(b)(1)(D) for her taxable year             
               Based upon our examination of the entire record before us,             
          we find that petitioner is entitled to relief under section                 
          6015(b) with respect to her taxable year 1982.35                            
               We have considered all of the parties’ contentions and                 
          arguments that are not discussed herein, and we find them to be             
          without merit, irrelevant, and/or moot.                                     

               35In light of our finding that petitioner is entitled to               
          relief under sec. 6015(b) with respect to her taxable year 1982,            
          we need not address petitioner’s alternative claim for relief               
          under sec. 6015(f) for that year.                                           

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