Affiliated Foods, Inc., A Corporation - Page 14

                                       - 14 -                                         
          currency” and “vendor-check currency” to refer to petitioner-               
          delivered currency attributable to the former and the latter of             
          those sources, respectively.                                                
               While, in the notice of deficiency, respondent explained               
          that his adjustments to petitioner’s Federal income tax for the             
          audit years were based on his determination that petitioner’s               
          “food show distributions” to its shareholders are income to                 
          petitioner (and nondeductible patronage dividends paid to its               
          members), respondent did not explain how he computed those                  
          adjustments.  The parties have stipulated respondent’s method of            
                    Respondent increased Petitioner’s taxable income                  
               in each of the years in issue by an amount equal to the                
               difference between: (a) the sum of (i) the cash amounts                
               withdrawn from the Promotional Allowance Accounts and                  
               (ii) the checks delivered to Petitioner by Vendors                     
               * * * in anticipation of the Food Shows, over (b) the                  
               cash returned to the Petitioner at the conclusion of                   
               the Food Shows by the same Vendors * * * .[4]                          
               We shall first address respondent’s claim that petitioner is           
          precluded from challenging respondent’s adjustments.  Since we              
          believe that petitioner is not so precluded, we shall then                  
          address the parties’ other claims.                                          

               4  The parties’ stipulation repeats the explanation as                 
          follows:  “Respondent’s adjustment to Petitioner’s income for the           
          years in issue is, therefore, the difference between the checks             
          and withdrawals from the Promotional Allowance Accounts provided            
          by Vendors * * * to Petitioner reduced by the cash returned by              
          the Vendors * * * at the conclusion of the Food Shows.”                     

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Last modified: November 10, 2007