Affiliated Foods, Inc., A Corporation - Page 20

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               must also be included in petitioner’s income.  * * *                   
               [Emphasis added.]                                                      
               Petitioner argues that the important facts we relied on in             
          Affiliated Foods, Inc. v. Commissioner, supra, to support our               
          conclusion that it exercised dominion and control over the                  
          petitioner-delivered currency are not present in this case.                 
          Petitioner claims that, unlike what we found for 1989 and 1990,             
          during the audit years, (1) it did not require vendors to return            
          to it any remaining petitioner-delivered currency not paid to               
          member stores, and (2) although it had the final say, it did                
          negotiate with vendors the amounts of show money the vendor would           
          give.  It also claims that, with respect to its 1993 food shows,            
          vendors gave it no checks.  While we are not certain about                  
          petitioner’s third claim, we have made findings consistent with             
          its first two claims.  With respect to its first claim, we have             
          found:  “At the conclusion of the food show, vendors who had                
          received bank bags from petitioner returned to petitioner those             
          bags and any currency they wanted to deliver to petitioner.”  See           
          supra p. 11 (emphasis added).  Our finding is almost a verbatim             
          recitation of a stipulated fact.  From that stipulation, we draw            
          the inference that vendors had discretion to, but were not                  
          required to, return to petitioner at the end of a food show any             
          undistributed petitioner-delivered currency, and we so find.                
               Whatever limited power vendors had to negotiate food show              
          money and, more importantly, their right to retain any                      

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