Suzanne E. Barrera, a.k.a. Suzanne E. Battle - Page 30

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          nanny of $270 a week.  Petitioner stated that her monthly                   
          expenses also include food, clothing for her and the children,              
          vehicle expenses, and homeowners’ association dues, but she did             
          not testify to or otherwise establish the dollar amounts she pays           
          for these expenses.                                                         
               On the matter of her income, petitioner’s testimony was                
          similarly vague and incomplete.  Petitioner earns approximately             
          $15 an hour from her full-time job as a sales clerk at Capretto             
          Shoes, which she testified translated to take-home earnings of              
          “maybe $1,200, $1,300 a month.”  Petitioner testified she is                
          “hardly” able to pay her expenses with her salary and that she              
          uses credit cards to pay her expenses.  Petitioner also receives            
          monetary assistance from her family “Every blue moon” when she              
          needs help, but she did not state the amount of money she                   
          receives from her family, nor did she provide any clear                     
          indication as to the frequency of the assistance.                           
               Regarding petitioner’s assets, the record shows that                   
          petitioner is the sole owner of the West Kendall house where she            
          and her children reside, which was purchased after she and Mr.              
          Barrera sold their Pine Bay Estates house in October 2000.                  
          Petitioner testified she paid approximately $234,000 or $236,000            
          for the West Kendall house, with a mortgage of about $210,000,              
          but petitioner gave no evidence about the source of the cash for            
          the downpayment on the home.  There is evidence that the net                

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