Suzanne E. Barrera, a.k.a. Suzanne E. Battle - Page 31

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          proceeds from the sale of the Pine Bay Estates house were about             
          $150,000, but there is no indication whether or not petitioner              
          had control over or access to these proceeds or any portion                 
          thereof.  Additionally, petitioner at one point had an individual           
          retirement account from which she received a $20,000 distribution           
          in taxable year 2000, but she presented no evidence regarding the           
          balance of the account after the distribution or whether she has            
          any other savings, retirement or otherwise.                                 
               Other than the mortgage on the West Kendall house,                     
          petitioner presented no specific evidence regarding the existence           
          or amount of any debts she may have.  Petitioner stated she                 
          currently pays household expenses with credit cards, but she did            
          not testify to or otherwise establish the amount, if any, of her            
          credit card debt.  The record indicates that Mr. Barrera was                
          paying household expenses with his credit cards after the failure           
          of his mortgage company, but it appears that petitioner is not              
          liable for this credit card debt, as petitioner and Mr. Barrera             
          maintained separate credit cards during their marriage.                     
               Petitioner has a bachelor’s degree in business management,             
          work experience in a professional capacity, and gainful                     
          employment with the same employer for several years.  Although              
          payment of the outstanding liabilities will certainly reduce                
          petitioner’s expendable income, petitioner has not demonstrated             
          that payment of the liabilities would prevent her from paying               

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Last modified: November 10, 2007