Mohammed Ali Gazi and Estate of Raees Iftekhar Gazi, Deceased, Mohammed Ali Gazi, Personal Representative - Page 9

                                        - 9 -                                         
               issue and agreed to post a bond to avoid lien but did                  
               not and lien was filed. * * * POA is not asking for an                 
               alternative to collection action at this time, just a                  
               delay. * * * [Reproduced literally.]                                   
               On March 27, 2006, the settlement officer sent Mr. Gazi and            
          Ms. Gazi’s estate a letter (settlement officer’s March 27, 2006             
          letter).  That letter stated in pertinent part:                             
               This letter is our acknowledgment that we received your                
               request for a Collection Due Process (CDP) Hearing                     
               * * *                                                                  
                     *      *      *      *      *      *      *                      
               I have scheduled a face to face conference for you on                  
               04/25/2006 at 10:30 a.m. in my office. * * * This will                 
               be your CDP hearing.  Please acknowledge this letter                   
               within five (5) days of the date on this letter.                       
               If this time is not convenient for you or you would                    
               prefer your CDP hearing to be held by telephone confer-                
               ence please let me know within fourteen (14) days from                 
               the date of this letter.                                               
                     *      *      *      *      *      *      *                      
               Regarding the liability you are raising:                               
               You are not able to dispute the liability at this                      
               hearing because the liability has been established and                 
               is valid.                                                              
               For me to consider alternative collection methods such                 
               as an installment agreement or offer in compromise, you                
               must provide any items listed below.  In addition, you                 
               must have filed all federal tax returns due.                           
                    •    A completed Collection Information Statement                 
                         (Form 433-A for individuals and/or Form 433-B                
                         for businesses.)                                             
               Please send me the items above within 14 days from the                 
               date of this letter.  I cannot consider collection                     
               alternatives in your hearing without the information                   
               requested above.  I am enclosing the applicable forms                  

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Last modified: March 27, 2008