Robert and Ines M. Gillespie, et al. - Page 31

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               reasonable expenses incurred because of the filing of the              
               pleading, including reasonable counsel’s fees.                         
          The effect of a signature on a motion is the same as the effect             
          of a signature on a pleading.  Rule 50(a).                                  
               In pertinent part, Model Rules 3.1 states:  “A lawyer shall            
          not bring or defend a proceeding, or assert or controvert an                
          issue therein, unless there is a basis in law and fact for doing            
          so that is not frivolous, which includes a good faith argument              
          for an extension, modification or reversal of existing law.”                
               Mr. Jones has signed pleadings and other papers to bring and           
          defend these proceedings knowing petitioners’ claims to be                  
          meritless.5  He has done so in violation of our Rules and the               
          Model Rules and, thus, has intentionally abused the judicial                
          process.  If by that conduct he has multiplied the proceedings,             
          he is deserving of sanctions for unreasonably and vexatiously               
          multiplying the proceedings within the meaning of section                   
          6673(a)(2).  See Johnson v. Commissioner, supra.                            
                    4.  Multiplication of the Proceedings                             
               These proceedings should never have been brought.  All of              
          respondent’s costs are, thus, in a sense, excessive.  There is,             
          however, some disagreement among the Courts of Appeals in                   
          interpreting 28 U.S.C. sec. 1927 as to whether it is only                   

               5  The pleadings and papers we have in mind are the                    
          petitions, motions for leave to amend petition, amended                     
          petitions, and objections to the motions for summary judgment.              

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