Charles A. and Marian L. Derby, et al. - Page 39

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          Ice Co. v. Helvering, 292 U.S. 435, 440 (1934); see also Rule               
               Section 170(a) generally allows a taxpayer a deduction for             
          any charitable contribution, as defined in section 170(c), made             
          during the taxable year.  Section 170(c) defines the term                   
          "charitable contribution" as "a contribution or gift" to or for             
          the use of certain specified organizations.  Respondent has not             
          disputed that SMF was a qualified recipient of a charitable                 
          contribution as required by section 170(c).                                 
               If a charitable contribution is made in property other than            
          money, the amount of the contribution is generally the fair                 
          market value of the property at the time of the contribution.               
          Sec. 1.170A-1(c)(1), Income Tax Regs.  "[F]air market value" for            
          this purpose "is the price at which the property would change               
          hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being           
          under any compulsion to buy or sell and both having reasonable              
          knowledge of relevant facts."  Sec. 1.170A-1(c)(2), Income Tax              
          Regs.  A charitable contribution is allowable as a deduction only           
          if verified under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, sec.             
          170(a)(1), including certain substantiation requirements provided           
          in section 1.170A-13(c)(2), Income Tax Regs.  In addition, no               
          deduction for any contribution in excess of $250 is allowed                 

               26 Petitioners concede that sec. 7491(a) does not apply in             
          this proceeding.                                                            

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